Yes! Yes! Yes! Die Fernsehshow
Chortheater um Masse, Macht und Mich
[Choir Theater on Crowds, Power and Myself]
Theory opera in German for three choirs, showmaster and experts (2022/23)
120 minutes
composition: Eloain Lovis Hübner, Hans-Joachim Hespos (poÄm)
texts: Ferdinand Vicončaij, Eloain Lovis Hübner
dramaturgy: Sebastian Hanusa
choreography: Johannes Schropp
artistic & musical direction: Olaf Katzer
light design: Falk Dittrich
production management: Nicole Meier
Auditiv Vokal Dresden (Olaf Katzer, director)
Europa Chor Akademie (Jan Hoffmann, director)
Der Jugendchor Heidenau (Max Röber, director)
Luise Neuhaus-Wartenberg (expert in politics)
Dr. Maja Dshemuchadse (expert in psychology)
Dr. Friedrich Hausen (expert in philosophy)
Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker (expert in sociology)
Prof. Martin Maria Krüger (expert in music & society)
Nikolas Stäudte (TV host)
Say YES! YES! YES! to the choir and be happy! Choir is art! Choir is community! Choir is a social laboratory! Choir is unity from diversity–but one person is usually in charge. Choir is disempowering and anti-individual–because the group always comes first. Choir is a balancing act between the individual and group interests.
But who succeeds best in this balancing act? To find out, the concert choir of the Europa Chor Akademie Görlitz and the soloist ensemble AuditivVokal Dresden compete against each other in showmaster Nikolas Stäudte's game show YES! YES! YES! They face the tasks of a top-class council of experts. And they accept the challenge of Der Jugendchor Heidenau. After all, the question is what holds choral singing together at its core–as an image of a social world of tomorrow.
"… ein Volltreffer … phänomenale Performance … ein Feuerwerk an Können und Ideen, inspiriert auch von aufrüttelnden Textpassagen zum Zustand unserer Welt."
"… a bull's eye … phenomenal performance … a firework of skill and ideas, also inspired by stirring text passages on the state of our world."
– Michael Bartsch, Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 02/2023