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Future Perfect Club

theater performance (2017)

music, performance: Eloain Lovis Hübner

artistic direction, performance: Jascha Sommer

performance: David Guy Kono & Saskia Rudat

stage/costume design: Wiebke Strombeck

dramaturgy, text: Laura Strack

dramaturgy, text, production management: Klaas Werner


December 15/16, 2017, Ringlokschuppen Mülheim an der Ruhr

February 2/3/4, 2018, Studiobühne Cologne

February 8/9, 2018, Maschinenhaus Essen

April 27/28, 2018, German Stage Service Marburg

What does the world actually look like when everything is distributed fairly? What principles do rulers follow who act exclusively for the good of the community? What does globalization mean when it is not primarily the movement of goods, money and data, but bodies, knowledge and dreams? Who is the theater of artificial intelligences aimed at? What is taught in school, which does not train efficient individuals, but balanced and prudent members of society? And what does a language without borders sound like?

“Utopian speculation!” Maybe. But never mind. Because that’s exactly what the Future Perfect Club is for. In their search for unconventional ways of living and acting, ambitious futuronauts spent a year meeting people who are already trying to live a little better today. At the end of their research, they founded the Future Perfect Club as a multiplier and catalyst of forward-looking ideas. In the meantime, they have developed a unique process with which potential futures can be played through and experienced live on the basis of an extensive media and project archive.

Come and visit the world’s most promising think tank and join us in making the boldest social concepts come true for a moment.

Future Perfect Club
Future Perfect Club
Future Perfect Club
Future Perfect Club
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